Saturday, February 9, 2013

Stage 2

Killing U.S Citizens in Al Qaeda

   In the U.S. Constitution there is a guarantee of a "due process" in which if anyone is considered or suspected of anything, that individual has a right to go before a judge and plead his or her's case. Now how would you feel if someone took that right away from you? Exactly. Now imagine U.S. Citizens being killed because that individual is "suspected" of terrorism. What a horrible thought ""It summarizes in cold legal terms a stunning overreach of executive authority "" says Hina Shamsi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Security Project. 

   A U.S. Memo has been obtained by NBC news stating that, "it would it would be lawful to kill a United States citizen if “an informed, high-level official” of the government decided that the target was a ranking figure in Al Qaeda who posed “an imminent threat of violent attack against the United States”. Wow what ever happened to checks and balances? So an "informed, high level official" can over step the whole judicial process and order a killing of a U.S citizen, on top of that it also loosely defines "imminent threat" saying "it is not necessary for a specific attack to be in process when a target is found if the target is generally engaged in terrorist activities aimed at the United States". So the target could not have to be doing anything to be killed, he could be "generally engaged" which isn't saying much... This document is still going through congress so just stay tuned to see the end.

1 comment:

  1. I agree what you said especially about your right being taken away from you if you are a suspected terrorism. I feel that it could go wrong if someone is being suspected to be a terrorist is shot down and later we found out it wasn't them. I believe that takes away the "you're innocent until proven guilty." I hope this does not get pass because we could be losing our rights if it does.
